Emergency lighting is crucial in emergency situations to ensure anyone in the building can get out safely.

Emergency Lighting

Emergency lighting is crucial in emergency situations to ensure anyone in the building can get out safely.

Emergency lights are self-contained units that are wired into the mains but have the benefit of battery backup enables them to remain illuminated should the mains power fail, or you experience an outage.

This illumination offers clear visibility throughout the building, corridors, exits, and other escape routes in both dark and smoky conditions.

Chalbrook Fire & Maintenance conduct scheduled servicing of emergency lighting systems which should be carried out at six monthly intervals for self-contained luminaries in addition to a monthly flash test as stipulated within British Standards, BS 5266.

During this service, we test and check that the following public areas satisfy the standard:

  • Emergency escape lighting
  • Emergency escape exit routes
  • Standby lighting systems
  • Standby lighting exit routes

We tailor our servicing to your specific emergency lighting system and produce a detailed report for your internal designated fire officer and other responsible senior members of staff.

We do a walk-through of our report with you so that you are fully aware of where your day-to-day responsibilities lie, and schedule in our next testing date with you.

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